Debaging. Logo goes black. Also gone are the other RV decals. Less subtle by a little.
March 2022: Renew, rebuild, return…
This comes as a long overdue update. After 3 months on the road I welcomed a break. Not having to find to look for a place to stay every night was appreciated! But, soon March got used up. Completely. I had returned to Texas where my family is and needed to complete my “domicile” set-up. A few states make it easy (so they say) to register vehicle, pay taxes, vote etc. This time I had the added task to get the driver side door fixed due to high winds that blew the door wide open when I was trying to get out of the Petrified Forest National Park. Getting the work done took some leg work, but finally found a place that could turn it around in a couple of weeks. Time with family was the best part.
After refining the living space inside the van, it was time to get out there! I wanted to see a number of places in southern Utah. That update is coming next.
I’ve mentioned before this is challenging. It is. Especially solo. And burning up the diesel at the higher prices just emphasizes this can be a costly undertaking. I do think I am getting a rhythm down which helps with the daily uncertainty.
I probably could have predicted The Finding America Project would be as much about finding myself as it would be about others finding America.
Canyonlands, Arches, Moab, Natural Bridges Monument, Monument Valley were some of the stop overs.
The ouch. Before the fix. Hinges and fender replaces. Paint to match. Nice work.
Resting after the fix. Completed the move to Texas domicile during the month of March.
“I never expected so much driving. Seriously. But it’s worth the drive* to see the No-name America alongside the Big-name America.” – Bruce
*Must be comfortable with lighting money on fire with the cost of rising cost of diesel.