Prada Marfa. Read about the original story here.
The weather report showed up today in Tucson with rain in the forecast and escorted me down the hall to the Blog Office… If you are following along, I am behind on the blog/image uploads. Settling into the rhythm of the road will take some time. This is a HUGE change of everything for me. It’s a ride! (FYI: as of this writing I am in Tucson, Arizona. See latest map at the end of this post for “progress” to this point.
I had heard about Prada Marfa and seen a number of images online. Fortunately it was easily on my route to Wherever. Although the light was challenging (directly into the camera lens) after over an hour or more and with steady stream of other curiosity seekers, I managed to capture a few personal images, including a willing group of folks willing to take on a fashion shoot challenge. And a look what’s behind the shop…
Finishing up 2021. Working on 2022.