Early morning shuttle
Next stop was Bryce Canyon National Park. I happened to find a hot spring along the way which was a bonus. I found some BLM land for a night before entering the park. It was a cold one. About an inch of snow overnight. I knew this would be a nice addition to photos.
I got mostly organized the night before, but found even getting up at 5am, I had about 30 minutes to get to Sunrise Point in the park and still managed to just miss sunrise. The hiking loop down into the canyon was still aways away and I opted to call an audible and take Peek-a-Boo down and up the Navajo Loop trail- being in the park previously I knew that I’d have a better chance of being up close to many of the tall features.
I clocked about 11.5 miles total for the morning hike and was reminded of the beauty and variety Bryce offers. The photos that follow were from that day. My iPhone photos gave me an additional lens viewpoint and surprised me with the quality.
Currently I am in the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. I am hoping to take a deep dive here. I have always wanted to check out hikes in slot canyons and have some good info from the park service to start. Supposedly the area gets less people and it will be a change from my New England hiking trips!