The Bean overlooking Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Caravan in 3 Parts: Part Three
On the road to Hovenweep National Monument via Routes 24 and 95 through Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Besides having great company on the road, I was amazed at the quality of camps we discovered! We would eventually part ways and I would be out on the road solo (a mindset all it’s own).
Addendum: We would meet up a few weeks later in Salida, CO. Again find a great campsite as well as having in Salida and a visit up to the ghost town of St. Elmo.
Caravanning with The Bean (near Hovenweep). Sometimes boondocking is as spectacular as the parks!
Early morning below
Lone buck
David getting his desert fix
Hovenweep National Monument
On the move west taking 24 and 95, we found unexpected vistas, especially across Glen Canyon National Recreation Area!
Fruita’s one room schoolhouse. Built in 1896.
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
Note the caravan mid-left in the photo
Salida, Colorado
One last rendezvous with Kay and David in Salida, CO. Great town. Easy to walk around. Shops and whitewater rafting, biking and hiking all nearby.