3Sixty Photography

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Finding America: Sedona Ruins

One of the things I like to do while hiking is to add exploration to the mix. Find an interesting route, do some research and probably most importantly to get off the beaten path. It’s crowded out here!

I have visited Sedona 5 or 6 times now and it is still a magical place to me. The shapes, colors and sky never disappoint. I’ve taken a deeper interest searching for Sinagua cliff dwellings. Many are situated high on the cliffs with large overhanging rock wall roofs. Others are hidden in canyons.

One of my recent hikes, I was fortunate enough to find one I had not seen before and not easy to find. The best part was the location and route finding to get there.

Fear of heights

I have always been afraid of heights as many of my climbing partners know. This time around I considered consciously defining the limit for myself when risk taking with heights without the safety of ropes and gear.

If I find a situation were I to black out and a fall would clearly result in something worse than an injury- that was my limit. Pretty simple but obviously not an exact science. I continue to assess the terrain for exposure, route conditions and weather factors, to name a few. One recent trip was right at that threshold.

I love being in the mountains for the beauty, solitude and physical and mental challenges. This route had it all. The views and locations were some of the best.

I have purposefully not included further descriptions, names or locations to help preserve them.

Other Sinagua cliff dwellings

Note: Bring binoculars. Many of the dwellings can be see from established trails. Please research how to approach and treat the ruins. I don’t pretend to be an expert- if you have information to share that would be helpful about ruins, etc. please add your comments.